Tuesday 9 August 2016

Twitter Post: You Want Something

I Come From a Family (All My Family Members) A Long Line Of Warriors, Survivors As Parents, That Fighting Spirit Built In Me 💞 I Would Love To Embark That Same Principle and Legacy Onto My Kids, To Stand On Your Own Two Feet, Don't Lean On Anyone If You Want Something In Life There Is No Dishing off a "Silver Platter" You Work Your Ass Off For Something You Want In Life, And You Fight For It #Truths ❤️
Tough Times Don't Last, Only Tough People 😊#ItsASurvivalOutHere 

#BeingStrongThroughTheHardTimesIsAllYouKnow #FightingSpirit #BuildUpThatInnerSoulInYou 🙏🏽💯

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