Friday 19 August 2016

Twitter Post: The Power To Inspire Others

#LittleNiggaWithaBigHeart 💙

Its The Little Things In Life, That Are Special and Go Along Way 💕

This Morning Grabbing Some Bakery Before Work, Saw This Homeless Man (Age Early 40s) With His Head Down...People Walking Past Eating and Carrying On Wit Their Morning, Not Knowing This Man From a Bar of Soap, (Thinking To Myself This Guy Could Be a Father, Son) But Thankful I Was Able To Become a Blessing, And Bless Him Wit Some Breakfast. I Just Told Him "Here Sir, Hope You Have Amazing Day... While People Looked Stunned.. I Just Carry On To My Day Like Nothing Happened" 
Just The Appreciation And Genuinely Thankful.. That Hits Me The Most ❤️
 #TheresStillGoodPeopleInThisColdWorld #GoodDeeds #ActofKindness
#ThingsWhichGoUnseen #BlessedToBeABlessing #PowerToInspireOthers

#MyHeartsGolden 💙💙💙💙💙💙

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