Sunday 8 May 2016

Twitter Post: Work Hard

"Its Not What You Do As a Job That Becomes Your Work, But Its How Great You Do Your Work That Becomes Your Job" ❤️💯 

Its The Behind The Scenes When No One Is Watching, That Test Your Actual Work Ethics, Carrying That Spirit Of Excellence or That Spirit Of Lazyness. You May Love/Hate Your Job. But Always Remember That Theres People Out There Starving and Homeless, No Job That Would Kill To Be In Your Position ✌🏽️
Thats Like A Similar Scenario When You Finish Your 9-5 And You Don't Put In The Yards For Your Own Craft, Expect To Keep Doing What You Doing At Your 9-5 #ChangeYourMindset #CanChangeYourLife #WorkHardInYourOwnCraftsandDreams 

#SpiritofIntegrity #RealTalk #SpiritofExcellence #SetGoals #StayHeavyonTheGrind ❤️❤️

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