Sunday 25 October 2015

Quote: Be a Leader not a Boss

Inspired By: @foundrmagazine 

"A Boss Has The Title, But A Leader Has The People" - Simon Sinek 

Forget The Title Man.. And The Position People Have, I Just Wanna Win and INSPIRE THE HEARTS OF MANY, For His Kingdom.. You Can Have What This World Offers You, The Glory, Pleasure, And Material Things But What I Want Is The Crown To Say "Well Done My Good And Faithful Servant" 💯💯💯
#ForThePeople #powertothepeople #Heartsofmany #Inspiremany #Wintheheartsofsomany #BuildhisKingdom #BacktoBasics #GoofWakeupcallatChurchtonight #Feltconvictedonalotthings #WalkasaLeader #Leaderwalkswithhisheadheldhigh #knowingchristisrightbeside #Soldier #inspiringlivesonestepatatime #Inspiarbabyy #Inspire #Beinspired #Knocksomesensebakin #humblegrounds #Wordofseason #Wordsofencouragement 
Stay Blessed

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