Saturday 3 October 2015

Message/Illustration: How Do You Spend Your Time

Message/Illustration: How Do You Spend Your Time 

Im Speaking To Myself About This One, How Do You Or I Prioritise and Try Using Time Wisely, Lets Admit Time Is Not Always In Our Hands.. Living a Busy Life and Being Busy, In A Busy Environment It Does Cut Down The Time We Have. Or Things We Need To Do.. But Let Me Tell You Something, We Have The Same Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days 24Hours As Everyone Else In This World.. We Have The Same Time As Celebrities, Successful People or Just Normal People.. But Its How They Use Their Time.. Wisely, Thats What Separates Us..  
"When you get home from work, what do you do? Here are seven things successful people do with their free time."

When you think about professional success, you think about the strategies and behaviors that people exemplify when at work. You think about what people do during the 9-5 working hours, and whether they extend those hours by coming in early or staying late to tackle projects. What they do when they get home, or on weekends, when they're away from the office and away from their computers, doesn't enter your mind. But here's the thing: it should.

How people spend their free time can actually have a big impact on their success in the professional world. Successful people tend to spend their free time in these seven ways (and more, of course), so read below and find out why:

1. They Exercise
2.They Read
3. They Take Classes
4.They Volunteer
5.They Net Work
6.They Have Hobbies
7.They Spend Time With Family & Friends

"TIME IS PRECIOUS" #HowYouSpendYourTime #WhoYouSpendYourTimeWith #WhatYouSpendYourTimeOn #WhyYouSpendYourTimeWithThat #TimeIsPrecious #DontWasteYourTime #Don'tWasteAnotherDay #OnceYouWasteYourTimeYouCanNeverGetYourTimeBack #CountYourDays 
Stay Blessed

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