Tuesday 22 September 2015

Message/Illustration: | Rebuild Yourself From Broken Pieces

Message/Illustration: Rebuild Yourself From Broken Pieces

"Peace From Broken Pieces"

God Takes Us Through Trials & Tribulations, Good Times & Heart Breaks. Where We Don't Know All The Answers But All I Know Is.. He Has All The Answers. He Has The Solutions For All Our Situations In Life. Pruning Stages, To Something Special & Amazing For Our Life "When It Seems Likes Everything's Fall Apart Falling To Place, Things Are Actually Fallin Into Place"  Gotta Let God Break You Down, In Order To Re Grow You, Re Shape You, Re Mould You. Rebuild You. 

"I now realize that lives fall apart when they need to be rebuilt. Lives fall apart when the foundation upon which they were built needs to be relaid. Lives fall apart, not because God is punishing us for what we have or have not done. Lives fall apart because they need to. They need to because they weren’t built the right way in the first place." - Iyanla Vanzant

You Gotta Be Broken Down In Order For God To Rebuild You Again, People Hurt Us.. We Get Hurt We Get Let Down, But God Gives Us The Strength To Roll On..
#What Dont Kill You Will Make You Stronger

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