Tuesday 1 September 2015

Message/Illustration: Be Grateful

Message/Illustration: Always Be Thankful.. 

I Haven't Posted a Message/Illustration for a While so Heres Something On My Heart... When Going Through The Operation and being in that room of the Operation.. I Prayed and Thank God.. Coz Anything Could Go Wrong Once They Put Me To Sleep.. But Then I Woke Up And Really Felt.. God Has Given me something to live and be Grateful For!! Hes Soo Good Like Fo Real! Im A Proud Christian!! Man Im So Thankful For Life, The Air I Breathe and The People Ive Connected Throughout The Years. Im Blessed To Say That.. Gods Def Got Something Great For All Of Us In Life To Exceed and Reach Our Full Potential To Greater Things In Life..
#Just Be Grateful #The Air That We Breathe #And Waking Up To See Another Day #Blessed To Be In A Country Where Its Safe.. #Just Live For Your Today Don't Worry About Your Tomorrow...#Just Live For Today #Live Your Life #Live For Your Today, Forget Your Yesterday And Hope For Your Tomorrow #Just Be Happy And Live Life :) #Never Let The Things You Want Make You Forget The Things You Have (Family, Breathe, House, Food, Clothes and LIFE) #Be Better Than The Person You Were Yesterday... #Let Go and Let God #Words Of Encouragement #Something To Lift Your Spirit Up #A Positive Note 
Stay Blessed

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