Tuesday 8 September 2015

Message/Illustration: Hide Me In Your Wings

Message/Illustration: Hide Me In Your Wings

Heres a Lil Message Placed On My Heart. I Wanna Share With You Guys A Lil Something I Wrote A Lil Poetry

"Life Is Filled With Adventures And A Exciting Ride, Ups And Downs, Highs And Lows But When I Look To The Side, I Wonder Who Stands Beside By My Side Or In Front Or Who Would Hold Mine, Spread My Wings To Soar And Fly, But Lord You Said Im The Apple Of Your Eye, With All These Signs, Makes This Roller Coaster Ride Hard To Find, On A Straight Path Filled With Twists And Twirls, But Hide Me In Your Wings As This World Swirls You Know My Heart Search My Heart You'll See The Real"

When Life Does Get Hard Its Best To Just Chill Take a Breathe And Bathe In His Presence.. Hiding Me In Your Wings, Knowing Who I Am And My Identity Is Found In Christ. He's Our Strength and Refuge Throughout. Theres Always The Light At The End Of Every Dark Tunnel

Isaiah 40:31 
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

Psalm 17:8
Keep Me As The Apple Of Your Eye, Hide Ne In The Shadow Of Your Wings

#Words Of Encouragement #Something To Lift Your Spirit Up #Positive Note "Hide Me In Your Wings Lord Jesus" #Here To Inspire #IM INSPIRING LIVES ONE STEP AT A TIME #Happy Wednesday
Stay Blessed


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