Friday 14 August 2015

Quote: To Be Someone

Inspired By: @tyrinturner 
"To The World You Be One Person...But To That One Person You Maybe The World" - Bill Wilson 

Man I Love This Post, I Wanna Share Something With You Guys.. Id Rather But A Nobody. You Maybe a Nobody To Somebody, But Your Everything To Someone..
It Maybe Something About You.. That Connects Them To You. You Maybe That Person That Makes Someone Happy..
"Life Becomes A Blessing, When You Realise You're The Blessing To Someones Life"
#Become That Change, Be Someone Who Is The Light In Someones Dark Past.. Leaving a Legacy. Planting a Seed In Someone That Will Grow And Live On. That Ripple Effect
JUST KNOW YOU ARE VAUBLE JUST THE WAY YOU ARE YOU ARE PERFECT. #You Maybe That One Person.. That Helps Keep Someone Positive, Never Underestimate your Presence Nor Your Influence On Someones Life
#Eyes Up #Words Of Encouragement #Something To Think About #Positive Note #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed
#Trevor Young #Trevor The Young Inspiar #Trevor The Youngin #Inspiar Babyy

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