Wednesday 7 September 2016

Twitter Post: Do You

#SpiritOfIntegrity 💯

People May Say That The #22daypushupchallenge Is Stupid, Each To Their Own Opinions But Ive Made It a Personal Challenge of My Own To Stay Committed, Content, Consistent (Three C's CUURRIP 💙💙) Lol Jokes Calm Down CuzZ. For 22 Days To Push and Follow Through It. To Prove To Myself I Can Do Anything That I My Mind To. (In All Aspects of Life) Its a Mental State of Mind More Then a Physical Approach. You Can Train Your Mind To Be For You or Against You. #Inspiar2Inspire 
Remember Its The CRAZY ONES Who Push Through All The BS Laughed At. That Gets Noticed, The Risk Takers 💯 #PutSomeRespeKKT #DoYaThangBruh


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