Monday 5 September 2016

Instagram Post: Your Call

"Just Because They Don't Like Your Posts, Doesn't Mean They Don't See Them.. Keep Planting Seeds, Their Subconscious Mind Is Awake, Even If Their Conscious Mind Is a Sleep" - Annoymous 💯 

For Me I Really Don't Care If My Posts Gets Likes or Not. Its Not The Reason Why I Do What I Do... To Get "Likes" Just The Fact That Im Planting Seeds, If People Can Relate or Feel My Posts Then Man Im Blessed and Thankful. Its All About Taking Risks, Getting Your Stuff Out There. People Ain't Gonna Agree But Man I Didn't Care When I Was Starting Off Years Ago, Why Would I Care Now What People Think or Say?? I Started With Nothing And No One. So Imah Ride To The End With No One, If I Can At Least Get Through To At Least One Person Through My Stuff Im Thank Ful. 🙌🏾  #BeInspired #ISeeYou #lurking #lurkin #KeepPlantingSeeds #ifyoubuildittheywillcome #StartToday #doyourthing #DoYou #BeYou #Success #skysthelimit #inspiar2inspire 

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