Wednesday 3 February 2016

Twitter Post: Getting Your Stuff Out

A Song Writers Most Powerful Piece Is When They Are Going Through Things.. That Brings Power To Their Songs They writing About 🙏🏽🙏🏽#ProcessofWriting #BeingAnointedorNormalMusician  #WritingNewSpokenWord #Poetry #Songs My Prayers Are Written In My Poetry ✍🏾❤️❤️ #DeepMeaningfulThoughts #NoSellOut #MotivationalSpeaker #ActingClasses #CanvasPainting #Artistic #Creative #PeopleCanRelateTo #BlessedwithTalent #AllGod 

I Feel Social Media & Technology Can Be Good To Get Your Stuff Out, But Can Disrupt The Piece Of a Writer, Technology Is Killing Real Music.. Who Really Spits Real Stuff These Days.. Of Whats Really Going On In Our World #TheyRatherBlindTheTruth #FromTheHeart #DeceivingReality #SpeakMyMind ❤️❤️ #Inspiar2Inspire
Stay Blessed

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