Wednesday 8 July 2015

Quote: Waiting Game

Inspired By: @spiritualword 
"Imagine a Man So Focused On God That The Only Reason He Looked Up To See You Is Because He Heard God Say "Thats Her" 

#Boooom #Love This Piece 
Girls, Imagine a Guy Soo Dedicated To God That His Only Focus Is "God" #Remember One Thing Don't Be In Such A Rush To Get Tied Up, Knocked Up, Tied Down, Gods Already Got Someone Lined Up Coming Your Ways! He Just Wants You To "Trust Believe and Put Your Focus On Him" #People End Up Draining, And Stressing Chasing The Wrong Person.. When Clearly The Right Person Was Standing Right In Front and Next To You.. You Were Just To Blind To See.. #Be Patient #God Is Moulding & Preparing You And The Right Person #All In Due Timing #For His Timing Is Perfect. 
Mathew 6:33
"But Seek First The Kingdom Of God & His Righteousness and All These Things Will Be Added To You"
#Be Inspired #Be Encouraged #Be Uplifted #Officially Been Inspired #That Right Person Will Come, Word To My Hommies, When You Find It In Yourself To Stop Chasing & Not Interested.. Girls Love The Chasing Game Then They Click Then They Like.. Why Is He Not Chasing Me Anymore??.. Then Come Running Back.. #Food For The Mind Body & Soul
Stay Blessed

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