Monday 27 July 2015

Quote: Never Judge a Persons Journey

"Dont Judge My Journey Of Life, If You Don't Fit The Shoes To Walk My Path"

#Step Into My Shoes, And Walk The Life Im Living And If You Get As Far As I An, Just Maybe You Will See How Strong I Really Am.
#People Only See The Height, They Dont See The Dark Valleys.. The Ground Work I Had To Go.. To Get Where I Am Today #It Didn't Just Happen Over Night #Pruning Stages #Fit The Shoes #Never Look Down On Someone If You Never Seen Their Journey #What Happens In Your World Behind Close Doors #Don't Never Judge Coz You Are Not The One Walking In Their Shoes #Fit Your Own Size #Be Your Own Person #Be Who You Are #I Carry The Spirit Of Excellence Where Ever I Go #Im All Or Nothing #110% In Everything I Do #In or Out #Spirit Of a Natural Born Leader, I Follow Under No One If I Know.. They Ain't Benefiting in My Life #A Journey Surrendering Under Christ #Something To Think About #Subliminal Messages #On a Positive Note #Be Encouraged #Be Inspired
Stay Blessed

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