Monday 24 October 2016

I Have Massive Respect For Step Parents, "Father or Mother" Who Come Into The Lives of A Spouse. And Love The Kids Like It Was Their Own... Knowing Thats The Heart of Their Partner... 

Like Think About It.. Thats a Big Step, and If They Willing To Give Up Their All, And Everything They Have as Assets To Invest Into Your Kids, You Have a Keeper πŸ™πŸ½

Not Anyone Can Just Do That... 

Just Know Young or Old If Ya A Single Parent Looking For Someone To Love Your Kids.. Just Know There Is The Right Person Out There πŸ’―❤️ 

#TakeHeart #ThatsaBeautifulThing #OnlyToSeeYouHappy 

Stay Blessed


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Message/Illustration: The Heart of The Lion In Snake Valleys 🦁🐍

This Lil Image Speaks To Me When I First Saw It. Instantly I Thought To Myself This Will Be a Good Lil Image To Write About, I Haven't Done One of These "Message/Illustrations" For A Very Long Time So Basically I Just Get a Image and Write What The Image Looks To Me, And Maybe Someone Can Relate To It... Simple as That Lol 😎✊🏽

So Seeing This Picture I Thought To Myself That This Can Relate To Me and My Life. Having The "Heart of a Lion" or a "Strong Spirit" Fighting Through Hard Times, Tryna Reach The Next Chapter In Your Life... And Maybe Lil Things Trip You Up Along The Way Could Be Your Surroundings, The Crowd You Hang With, Habits, And Addictions To Stop You From Reaching That Full Potential In Life... Reaching Where You Are Called To Be, So This Lion Image Wrestling With a Snake, Can Be The Snakes, Negativity Around Us That Try Bring Us Down πŸ’―


#lion #liontattoo #lionking #lions #lionshead #lionsden #lionandsnake #kingofthehill #kingofthejungle #LionisBeast #heartofalion #heartofachampion #spiritofalion #Courage #Brave #Strong #leader #leadership #snake #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snakebites 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Leaders Lead, Follows Follow. Winners Win, Loses Lose. In This Generation Your Segregated Into One or The Other Category πŸ’―


Monday 10 October 2016

Really Thinking About Doing a Lil Short Film On Some Realistic Scenarios Thats Around Us.. Like a Ghetto Love Kinda Theme Similar To Poetic Justice, And Other Topics That Surround Our Streets.. Ive Had These Ideas For A While, But Whats a "Gift" That God Has Given Each and Everyone of Us. If We Just Keep It To Ourselves.. Im All About Growing and Expanding The Vision 😎😘 Just Needing Just One Woman Who Would Play A Saga of Roles.. defs In The Works Next Year, Got All The HD Cameras Set Up Ready For Next Year. In Saying That Il Be Setting The Studio Back Up, And Got Some Local Talents With Me Get Back To SpokenWord Poetry Also 😘

#ALilBoyWithBIGVisions πŸ“·πŸ“ΈπŸ“½

#ShortFilm #InProgress #BringOn2017 #JustNeedOneWomanForTheDifferentRoles 

Friday 7 October 2016

Twitter Post: Given

I Reckon, Speaking From Experience If You Give Yourself a Lil Bit of Ounce of "Fear or Doubt" In Your Heart And Mind, In Whatever You Do... You Have Allowed Yourself To Have These Thoughts That Build Up, So In That Case You Have Already Lost The Battle Within Yourself πŸ€”πŸ˜š Something To Think About πŸ’― #BelieveInYourself #YouCanDoIt #YouGotThis #HaveCourage #Phil4:13 πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

Thursday 6 October 2016

Twitter Post: Living It

Happy Loving Living Life 😊 Thats Why I Live My Life Free. Coz Ive Stopped Caring What Others Think of Me And Their Opinions When You Seal That Basic Principle In Your Heart... You'll Live Free With Life 😎😍 #BasicPrinciple #LivingLifeYoungandFree πŸ’―

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Twitter Post: South Auckland Clowns

Ive Seen My First Share of "South Auckland Clowns" Today... When This Clown Pulled Out In Front of Me on The Road.. That Counts As a Clown Right ? πŸ€” So I Tailed Behind Him.. Coz Clowns Like To Be Followed? 😊✊🏽#TheseClowns #ClownSighting #BRUH 

Monday 3 October 2016

Twitter Post: Scum

Who Remembers The Original Host of Police 10 7 Detective Inspector Graham Bell With His Colourful Ways of Describing The Crims of NZ Lmao "Down Right Scum Bags" lol Racist πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ #Legend #NZGreat #Police107 #DetectiveGrahamBell 

Twitter Post: Sparkle Together

Inspired By: @empowermeant 

"Leave a Little SPARKLE Where Ever You GO" 😘 πŸŒŸπŸ’«✨

Is It Possible If a Lil Boy With Big Dreams, Meets a Lil Girl With Big Visions And Become Something Great Together #GreatMindsThinkAlike #Unity #ExpandTogether #ShineTogether 😘😘

#MakeaInfluence #BeTheChange #BeTheInfluence #Influence #BeTheLight #Sparkle #shine #shinebrightlikeadiamond #sparkleinmyeye #seemeshine #sparkleinhereye 

Twitter Post: Staring At This World

What You Listen To, Or How You Look At Yourself You Will Become... If You Listen To Negative Thoughts Spoken Over Your Life... By Negative People, You Will Live In a Negative Environment, With a Negative Spirit πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ½ #ThinkPostive 

#PositiveLife #LateNightPost #Inspiar2Inspire 

Stay Blessed
Night Guys 😬✌🏽️

Saturday 1 October 2016

Twitter Post: Do It Yourself

Anyone Know Where To Get a Screen Protector From? For a I Phone 6 Plus, Not The Do It Yourself Ones.. But Someone Decent Lol 😎#ScreenProtectDeeez